Monday, 6 March 2017

My Sister, My Best Friend

Look at the love I share with my siblings, the greatest love I've known before I had you.
Whether you find this love in a sibling or in a best friend, I pray for you everyday to get to experience the different bonds of love that exists in this world!

Here is a poem my sister, my best friend and pillar of strength dedicated to me:

I never had teddy bears or lullabies 
Just my sister's nose pressed up against my neck and in my hair 
"You smell like a baby" she said 
One of the first sentences I can remember 
Simple words spoken softly, sweetly, slowly
Better than any bedtime story - she was the one to put me to bed 
And just as the sun rises every morning without fail or falter, question or hesitation 
She was there...
Her love shining me up like gold and awakening the very core of my soul 

See, for years and years I thought she hated me coz she kinda bullied me 
But now I see what she had foreseen
Is that it takes bullshit and manure for roses to grow 
Taught me how to knit and sow, how to cook and bake, not be fake
Or take any shit from any man, how to ride...bikes!
And stand up for myself and get up after a fall

And even though she stood tall above me, she called me your highness
Coz it takes the opening of a third eye to understand a love story so complex 
More complex than that of Romeo and Juliet
The type of love that grows you, that knows you, that shows you the way when you feel lost

And I'll find my way back and break into any dungeon to save - you know, like Pocahontas and John Smith 
Use 1000 elephants and spend 20 years building the Taj Mahal for you type love
That, I get chocked up but when I see you I can breath, type of love
That, I see you smiling, sitting in the front row when I'm on stage type of love
Running the city like Cleopatra and Antony type of love...
That, I love you like a brother but I'd never hurt like Cain did Abel type of love   
That, stay winning like Venus and Serena type of love
That, forever twinning like Tia and Tamara type of love
That, I will snatch and drag anybody who disrespects you by the edges type of love
That, run the world like Michelle and Barack Obama type of love...
That, I'm sweating, can you bring me some deo to the club type of love?!

That, please loan me 50 bux "I'll pay you back" but I never do and you act like you forget type of love
That, sssshhhhh, I broke curfew, don't tell anybody type of love
That, promote my yoga business like you own it type of love
That Sunday lunch with beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes - YOU NAME IT, type of love

That, we broke the front window, don't tell mom
That, he broke my heart and you let me cry in your bed
That, you are the second mother to my son 
And your daughter is my child 
And all your snap chat stories are about me 
And the future don't mean nothing without we
And I pray for you more then I do me
And I've run out of rhymes and lines to explain this type of love...