Friday, 10 October 2014

I believe in a thing called love...

Do you believe in a thing called love? In a happily ever after?

That was the plan…to live happily ever after, together. As a family. So what happens when that plan all but goes to shit?! Shattered pieces of heart lying all over the place. Where do you start picking up the dozen pieces? I always say happiness begins with you. It took me a long time, to get to where I am today. To be happy with the self. To know the self. And finally, to love the self.
It took me an opening in my belly, a tiny smile, eyes as big as mine if not bigger and a presence. I’ve never seen anybody so beautiful, a beauty that brings tears of joy to my eyes as I watch her sleep ever so sweetly.

And so the picking up of the pieces begin. The mending, the healing, and finally, moving on.

The things I’ve heard come out of apparently rational human beings mouths, “the guy should move on first before the woman does”, “women should wait till the child is one years old before moving on”…in what world?! When YOU are ready, when YOU meet someone who is kind, gentle and openly loves your little one (and claims to love them as much as you do) LOL (impossible), do you retreat? The laws of love, unwritten as they are, say what about timing and who goes first?
Lovers come and lovers go. People judge, regardless of what you are doing. So you live, you pick up the pieces and move forward. Time and time again I remind myself; it’s my life, my rules, my body and my baby.

Every day, every struggle, every hardship, it’s all worth it in the end…coming home to this little body. My person. The tiny hugs and kisses, oooh my how she adores me.

I won’t always get everything right, but I can damn near try. As long as I do it my way.
So here’s to taking time to mend, to heal and finally to embracing brighter days!
May we all find inner peace, love and happiness

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