Friday, 7 March 2014


It’s the dead of night…I’m surrounded by silence, the night is peaceful, but there is turmoil in my heart. I have carried many burdens before but nothing like this before. Could it be the cry of my country? The outrage heightened by woman gone before their time? The children left behind asking, “is my mommy in heaven”?

I am more than a woman. I am a mother. I never really knew what this would entail and trust me; nothing can ever prepare you for the road of motherhood! I wanted “A” baby; I didn’t grasp what that meant until I got THIS baby! She has changed me to what I never was before…strong!

Do I blame him…do I blame man? No…I blame me! I love him, without him there would be no she. A love so pure has saved me…my daughter gave me strength. When she looks at me, I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world…she adores me! Who am I then, not to adore and love myself? She made me want more for myself, now more than ever. And I will do anything for her, no hesitations.

I wrote about the single mom, her strengths, and her endless limits. I said what if HE leaves me…what if he leaves us?! And then it hit me, I found that strength in knowing what I want for my daughter as well as myself. I left, I want better. I want her to grow up knowing that woman must be respected, always. You deserve to be treated humanely and respected; there is no two ways about it.

And why are we suffering in silence? Are you auditioning for ‘silence of the lambs’?

If you are being mistreated, take your things and move along. I roar on the dune tops of Namibia that I am a mother, I am fearless, I am strength!

I will not plea for my life, and no longer will I live in fear. If it’s my day then let it be so…I leave behind my blood and heart in that little girl that thinks I am the next best thing to breast milk! I don’t know what I hope to achieve in writing this, but I do know I found strength and so can you! Do not suffer alone; do not suffer in silence…DO NOT KILL MY PASSION!

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