Tuesday, 8 October 2013

My Baby Shower:):):)

I guess you can say my Saturday started off like any other Saturday!

I went to a kiddies party at the zoo with my mom-in-law, and decided to take advantage of my surroundings and study while the children played in the open space! Thereafter, Yellow came to get me so we could have our much favored Wimpy breakfast "WIMPY!!!! Jou lekker breakfast" *singing*
Oh, anyway, then I was to have lunch with my girls Davely and Guilot...so I was dropped off... undisclosed location (hint hint, it's a naughty place) !!! As usual, Davely was "running late" so I thought nothing of it...Guilot even bought the ingredients of the meal she was to prepare for us!
Lo and behold, all my girls were gathered at my house, waiting to surprise me!!!! So Guilot said that Davely was dropped off at my house and that we had to get her and pick up my bikini...and when we went inside... SURPRISE!!!!

There they were, all waiting for me!!!! It really was a touching moment. Overwhelmed with emotion, I couldn't help but shed a tear, so blessed to have these ladies in my life! And the gifts!!! This baby is so sorted and I didn't even buy a thing! Amongst the heaps of baby clothes, nappies, bottles, microwave sanitizer, baby blankets and pacifiers, even Yellow chipped in with the help of my sister and got me the baby gym I so badly wanted for little Clare!
My godchildren came too, of course they just wanted to open all the pressies:) Even my daddy made an appearance and told us a story of when I was younger, thanks for that dad!
 We swam, we talked, the girls drank, and we just had a very relaxed baby shower...I wouldn't have wanted it any other way! Major shout out to everyone who made it happen!

What more can I ask for in this world when I have the gift of great friends, family and my Yellow! I cannot thank everybody enough that made an effort to be there or simply buy something for the little one.

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