Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Not ALL sunshine and roses!!!

So about two weeks back, I hit what seemed to be the 'pothole' of my pregnancy!!!

I was just feeling, 'bleh':/ My clothes don't fit anymore, my feet and back hurt like hell, I was just feeling lousy and round. The slightest thing set me off, I was a ball of tears...and worst off all, for the most part I had no reason AT ALL! I must admit, it was all overwhelming, that 'shit is real' type of moment!

It didn't matter how much everyone around me was telling me how beautiful I look, how well I'm carrying, how tiny my belly is for 6 months...I was just at a point where I was the fattest and ugliest person on the planet. It didn't help that someone who I used to be close with told me to my face how fat I am and how fat my nose is either...in that moment, she broke me! And I cried and I cried and I cried. If you think I'm exaggerating, ask my sisters and Yellow. It must have been hell week for them!

What I can say now is that to those who have pregnant people around them or in their lives, try to be sensitive, you have no idea what that mommy-to-be is going through at that moment in time! HELLO, of course I will gain weight, and if my nose and feet are swollen, be considerate not to point that out in such a harsh manner, especially not when you've experienced pregnancy yourself!!!

As much as it was a low point in my pregnancy, I really needed that, just to lie curled up in my bed and let all the tears out. Remember though, your emotional state is also transferred to the baby. So if this manic moment in time lasts longer than it's suppose to, get some help, talk to someone or seek professional help!

I'm back to my normally cheery self:):):) removed myself from negative people that are insensitive and just surround myself with friends and family that care for me. Also, I've fallen in love with my baby bump...although I can't wait to get back to my normal regular size again (tae bo galore) !!!

To all those telling me how I beautiful I look and how sexy my tummy is, thank you! It means more than you know:) So proud I stand, baby bump and all:):):):)

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