For those who know me, know that I'm a little bit of a party animal!!! Self proclaimed Miss Windhoek Lager, Miss Windhoek Draught, Miss Nam Breweries, Miss Beer name it! Put simply, I LOVE beer:)
So it was to my surprise that beer made me nauseas:/ I took the a pregnancy test : negative! So I couldn't understand what was going on! Each test, each negative result was a disappointment. You smile either way, hoping one day it will be positive! So we ignored the sickness and life went on...still, very suspicious though!
It was at Spoken Word of April that I had my last glass of Windhoek Lager. After finishing it I told Yellow, that neaseating feeling is back and reverted back to a glass of cooldrink instead. The next day we bought what seemed like the 100th pregnancy test. The second line that indicates a positive result was visible although very light. Yellow immediatly went back to the pharmacy, bought another test, test # 101! same result...we were desperate for confirmation.
I called my doctor, he could only see me the next day! We were impatient, decided to look for any other doctor that could see me that very same day - big mistake! The doctor we went to did the very same urine test we did at home, and we had to pay more for it. Worse still, I didn't have my medical aid card on me so we paid cash! Things desperation does to one huh:)
Well, this doctor told us: 'it's a 50/50 chance...but INCASE you are, I also do prenatal care" !!! No confirmation there:/
We went to visit my "real" doctor who then did a blood test and said he would call me back with the results, this was more like it. There is no you are half pregnant, or 50/50! and so, we waited....24 hours seemed like an eternity. The very next day, Friday 5th April it was confirmed! Yellow and I seemed at our happiest, not knowing that even more happier moments are at every milestone of baby's growth:)
So here's my advice to those trying or who may think they are expecting: Go to a doctor that you know and trust! This will most likely also be the person who you will trust with the life of your little light.
As for me, the man who will be delivering my baby, also delivered Dr Laurie I trust!!!
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